

I was just cleaning my room, and realized that I have a lot of manga that I never even opened. I remember when I used to buy manga because I was genuenly curious about whats going to happen in the next volume. Also there were no means to read it online. Now I often catch myself bying something that I already read, just because It’s a cool title to have in your home collection.

In the last year or so, the only manga I bought because I actually wanted to read it was Queens Quality volumes 13, 14, 15 and 16. It’s a bit silly but I bought the Japanese version, even though I can’t read japanese, I mostly just looked at the art, but occasionally I translated it using google lense haha.

Cute Little Keyboard

Cute Little Keyboard

CORSAIR K65 RGB MINI 60% Mechanical Gaming Keyboard — CHERRY MX SPEED — White

I got this cute little keyboard at Best Buy last weekend. I have been shopping for the small white RGB keybeyboard for a while now. Eventually I got this one because it looked very pretty, but I totally missed the fact that it doesn’t have the arrow keys. I use arrow keys a lot in the terminal at work and just when i’m searching something online. I was struggling with it all night on Sunday and even thought about returning it >< Today is the second day i’m using it, and it feels a little bit better. Now i’m thinking that I will probably get used to it eventually =0.

P.S It also has a lot of sick modes like rain or whatever. I’m not using any of the crazy ones as I feel like i’ll get a seizure from too many blinking lights, but it’s nice to have options lol.

My bookcase ^^

My bookcase ^^

Last weekend I had a little trip to New Yourk City with my sister. I was able to swing by Knokuniya store and buy some figures and manga. Here is the photo of one of the shelfs in my bookcase. I need to find cuter place to store my manga =D. I also feel like I would be bying a lot more if not for the lack of space in my current place at the moment ><

Hello There! =D

Hello There! =D

I just realized it has been a little bit over two years since last posted here. I found myself here while trying to find an old school anime to watch. I felt like revisiting some of the old titles, I didn’t even pick what ill be watching, but I already feel all nastalgic about everything lol

What a night (–> day)

What a night (–> day)

Oh my Gosh! This election is driving me crazy, it was driving me crazy before it even started, political stuff is all over social media and TV. Now I think about deleting my FB account cuz, there is so many negative posts, I had way too much of it within last year =_____=. I need to be focused on my school, but just can’t get this stuff out if my mind. Oh well, I feel like ill be making a lot more posts here, being that FB became unbearable for me. =_=